"VORSKLA-STYLE" is a double liability company (LLC) specializing in development and production of modern high-quality clothing for women. Its product range covers trousers, skirts, dresses, jackets, coats, short coats, blazers. The main point of VORSKLA’s activity is the maximum customer satisfaction.
The company cooperates with customers from Europe under the terms of tolling. VORSKLA-STYLE is a certified company, its production technology and product quality meets all European standards.
Iso Certificate
"VORSKLA-STYLE" meets national standards of Ukraine ISO 9001-2001 in accordance with applicable normative documents of Ukraine. The PRIROST, an interdisciplinary quality centre, granted the conformity certificate of the quality management system. In July 2014, the VORSKLA-STYLE company successfully audited for the social responsibility of the company for compliance with social standards ВSСI.
Our production facilities:
Today the factory is a high-performance clothing manufacturer with modern technologies and equipment:
- Onsite design base
- Onsite experimental base: Computer processing of the modeling process and CAD layout patterns, INVESTRONIKA software.
- Sewing lines are equipped with Pfaff, Strobel, Siruba, ZOJE equipment as well as specialized equipment: hand stitch sewing machine, Pegasus knitting machine, embroidery machine with 6 heads, Sussman and Rotondi irons, VeiT ironing work places, ironing press of closed armhole seam, ironing of the sleeves shoulder girdle.
- Autonomous steam providing system produced by steam generators of the Sussman and Rotondi companies
- Automatic tables for cloth measuring, Weiss
- Automatic cutting system, Invescut Quartz
- Automatic cutting system, Lectra
- A set of automatic production management software was introduced in the company